
052607 Yori Dedication Party

Yori是墨西哥爸爸和台灣媽媽的寶貝, 當天為他們可愛的女兒慶祝一歲生日, 特地借用了男女主人Jonney 和Lilian家舉辦活動. 一開始還是由Jonney引領大家唱詩歌, 還有美妙靈巧keyboard手John的伴奏

接下來由Bob執掌dedication 儀式[其實到結束都還不知道它的含義, 後來才在網路上了解到相關訊息(如文後所述)],

另外還有中國習俗的”抓周”, 最後Yori第一個抓了錢幣, 第二個是書, 第三個針筒, 表示以後是個富翁還是個學者, 醫生, 這兩位辛苦的父母也準備了中式和墨式的食物, 這位年輕的媽媽在聚會時還準備過水煎包及蛋黃酥, 真是非常勤勞優秀, 令人佩服.


嬰孩奉獻誓言 Baby Dedication Vow
We, the parents, come before the mercy seat of our Lord, and before the brothers and sisters of our church to dedicate our child to God. We promise to raise and teach him/her according to the teachings of the Bible, so that he/she shall grow strong physically as well as spiritually, and he\she shall walk in the path of the Lord in all his/her life without going astray. May God help us. Amen!